Pimento map

Assess your business project by using our tool Pimento Map and get instantaneous feedback on which parts of your business model need further development.

The Pimento Map tool was developed by the CEO of the Virtuology Group Cedric Donck in 2013 and has since been revised and further developed in collaboration with Alain Heureux. 

Through 18 questions with four different answer options each, the tool will walk you through your business idea and your business model, providing you with an assessment on the maturity of your project. The tool has been developed after a in-depth research on hundreds of businesses and projects. The tool offers what others don’t: its methodology is a fast, easy and accurate way to evaluate the chances of success of your business model. It gives the opportunity to entrepreneurs, business angels or innovation managers to build an objective opinion on a new business idea and points out in detail where the model can be improved.

More information on www.pimentomap.com


I am an entrepreneur & want to evaluate the maturity of my business model

You have an idea, you are creative, you are adventurous but you are still missing this little boost to do the big jump… We’ve got your back! Available in nine languages and with many more to come, the Pimento map will help you evaluate the maturity of your business model.

More than 80 Universities, High school and incubation centers are using our tool since many years. Visit our Pimento Map website and enjoy your free trial !

I am an Incubator, Academic or Corporate & want to better pilot my innovation structure 

You are managing, coaching or mentoring innovation. You want to save time, implement reporting and increase your success rate. We want the same thing for you ! This customized version will accompany you and help you to better manage the innovation program within your organization.